Arthur Mediation Services

The Power in the Decision Lies with You!

Arthur Mediation Services specializes in conflict resolution services for:


We work with people across the country HELPING to resolve conflicts and disputes in an efficient, private and confidential manner and offer an initial FREE consultation. Our expert mediation services can help SAVE thousands of dollars in legal expenses such as attorney’s fees and court costs…not to mention avoiding the EMOTIONAL anxiety and lost time associated with litigation and court appearances. We're PASSIONATE about HELPING people solve and arrive at equitable, fair and just resolutions. After careful evaluation of your case we construct a proposal that is beneficial for both parties all without a contentious and costly court room fight.

Our Goal: A “win-win” situation for all parties involved.


  • People have capacity to create their own solutions
  • Court should be the last resort to resolving conflict
  • Giving back to the community provides people with the building blocks for future development


  • Their perspective heard
  • The ability to create their own sustainable agreement
  • To resolve all issues in a private and confidential manner
  • To avoid the hassle of court, expensive legal fees &/or a potential public record

What is a Mediator?


A mediator is a trained impartial third person who assists disputing parties in reaching an acceptable agreement or settlement which is devised solely by the parties. A mediator does not cast judgement, take “sides,” offer solutions or decide outcomes for resolution. Rather, mediators should be highly skilled in helping the parties sift through facts, emotions and individual interests to help them clarify what issues need to be resolved. A mediator will utilize techniques in order to help parties create their own resolution. A mediator is in control of the process of mediation but the parties involved are in control of the outcome. A mediator can be hired by the court (court-ordered mediation) or any individual can choose to hire a mediator outside of the court (private mediation).

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary process whereby parties come together in a private setting to reach an agreement. Mediation can be binding or non-binding depending on the situation.
There are 2 types of Mediation:
  • Court-Ordered Mediation
  • Private Mediation

Differences between Court-Ordered Mediation and Private Mediation

Court-Ordered Mediation:
  • Is when a party has filed a claim in court. The court then orders the parties in that case to first attempt mediation to try to resolve their dispute before a trial can occur.
  • Can be an informal meeting among the parties or a scheduled settlement conference.
  • Is confidential from the court. Whether or not parties come to an agreement, settlement discussions cannot be discussed in court.
  • Is voluntary only after the parties have first tried to negotiate an agreement in mediation but decide that they would rather the court decide the outcome. This usually happens only when a party/both parties are very far apart and/or strongly opposed to a compromise.

Private Mediation

  • is an alternative to going to court
  • goal of private mediation is to settle all your issues… not just the ones the court can judge
  • If one has an attorney they are welcome to attend

Meet Tracy Arthur, President & CEO

Tracy Arthur is an accomplished alternative dispute resolution (ADR) professional which stems from her unique personal, educational and professional background. She has over ten years' experience as a facilitator, trainer and mediator working with international and domestic leaders from the government sector, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and community groups.

She has helped companies address inter-departmental and cross-departmental issues, collaborated with businesses and educational institutions to develop effective employee retention strategies that measurably decreased attrition, thus saving them thousands of dollars.

Tracy has led hundreds of workplace training events that address such topics as conflict management, code of conduct, ethics, anti-harassment, cultural inclusion and diversity.

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